マイクロ波を用いた配管広域一括探傷技術のエルボ付配管への適用性評価 Evaluation of the Applicability of a Nondestructive Testing Method using Microwaves to the Long-range Inspection of a Pipe with a Bend
佐々木 幸太,Kota SASAKI,片桐 拓也,Takuya KATAGIRI,遊佐 訓孝,Noritaka YUSA,橋爪 秀利,Hidetoshi HASHIZUME
This study evaluates the applicability of a nondestructive testing method using microwaves to the long-range inspection of a pipe with a bend. Experimental verifications were performed using four 1 m pipes, with an inner diameter of 23 mm, connected with flanges and a 90-degree bend. The experimental verifications confirmed clear reflections due to artificial wall thinning, simulated by a short pipe with an inner diameter larger than 23 mm, even when the wall thinning was situated directly below the ben...